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Our Philosopy

Every child is unique

At Rainbow Village Daycare Centre  we believe that every child is an individual. Each child is unique in regards to his/her personality, physical growth, mental growth, likes and dislikes.
Our learning experiences and activities will offer a variety of materials and situations so that every child can find “his/her area of interest” within the day care environment. A child grows in many ways including socially, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Each developmental stage is interrelated, and thus the child excels when opportunities are provided for each to function at its optimum level.
Our method of decreasing undesirable behaviours will involve a non-punitive and very positive approach.  We will be very consistent in correcting the undesirable behaviour/s observed in a manner that makes each child, even after been redirected, still  feel secure, safe, loved and accepted.

Philosophy: Our Philosophy
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