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Life at School

Reach Your Potential

is defined as all children are welcome, supported and valued. It means that the activities of playing, learning, and growing happen in a way in which all children feels a sense of belonging. It does not mean that every child does exactly the same thing at the same time; all children have different aptitudes and abilities. Rainbow Village inclusive setting accommodates and celebrated the uniqueness of different diversities and builds on children’s strengths and abilities. Effective inclusion is a process.

At Rainbow Village Daycare Centre we believe that all children will develop to the best of their abilities if they have a positive, nurturing, secure and healthy environment that promotes physical, social, emotional and cognitive growth. “All Educators will provide care and education to individuals, small groups, and large groups. They will make ongoing decisions concerning children’s need for support and assistance” and by doing so we will support all children to reach their full potential.

We believe that all children and their families are welcome and they each bring value to our program. We strive to have an open relationship with all families and give each child the opportunity to be an active participant in all aspects of Rainbow Village Daycare Centre.

The program at Rainbow Village will reflect the needs of all families and children in our care.
Having a supportive partnership with the community and different services that will support and assist our educators and the classroom will give all the children and families a successful enjoyable experience while enrolled at Rainbow Village Daycare. 

All Educators are provided with ongoing training through Professional Educations and webinars and being members of the different professional organization will give them the opportunity to be more educated and informed to apply the knowledge that they have learned in their classroom.

Being in partnership with the Peel Inclusion Resource Services (PIRS) also gives Rainbow Village support to give the children and their family’s moral support to “nurture the children’s healthy development and support their growing sense of self.”

All Staff at Rainbow Village will give each child "The  Right to Play and have fun while doing so". Staff will use their knowledge and practice "The code of Ethics and Standard of Practice with the core of set beliefs and values of care, respect, trust, and integrity" to be professionals and guide their way to conduct accordingly. 

 Rainbow Village Daycare staff members are required to review the Centre’s Inclusion Policy annually and signed off to ensure that the ongoing commitment of having an inclusive environment will support to all.

Inclusion Policy: Student Life
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